Saturday, August 5, 2017

Ugh- another Reboot

Well, so my last foray into the blogging world went airy. I stopped writing because at the end of the day I was usually too exhausted or I was doing things, like dishes, laundry or putting in extra hours at work.

It seemed I just didn't have an extra minute, and when I did I usually spent it doing things like taking a shower. I never believed people when they said that having an infant was a full time gig and would take all your time. I (mistakenly) thought, hey infants sleep a lot, I'll have plenty of time to get things done. Well, that's the biggest load of crap ever, infants, even when sleeping, monopolize every second of every day.

Now, for those that easily get their hackles raised when kids are discussed; I love my son more than anything in the world. I wouldn't trade a single minute with him for anything else. I just didn't realize (like many first time parents) how much life will really change once you finally get your amazing bundle of joy.

We also fell off the budget wagon again, so, we're trying to get back on it. To start off, we're taking a long look at our spending and itemizing our purchases. My husband and I each have a credit card that we use, we do not use our debit cards and rarely use or have cash on us. So, it's pretty easy. We're going to be tracking them the old fashioned way, with a spreadsheet. It's a little more time consuming, but won't cost us anything but our time.

I'll be posting screen shots of these to show how I'm tracking everything. I'm also going to be trying different ways to make supplement income. We'll see how I do, so far I haven't been super successful.

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